Pigment problems?

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I grew up in sunny Sacramento, California. I spent every waking second that I could on the beach or out under the sun. I even worked weekends waitressing at a rooftop brunch bar. As much as I have loved the sun, unfortunately it was extremely harsh on my skin.

As I’ve grown older, I have desired to wear less makeup than when I was in my twenties. On sweltering hot days, a face full of foundation isn’t the most comfortable feeling. But it took a full coverage product to cover these spots. 

The photo above was taken by my aesthetician, who I saw for monthly facials in August 2020. It had been 5 months since I had visited her office, due to the state of the world. As soon as I came in, she recommended immediately that I do yet another laser + chemical peel combo. They have made my skin feel good over the years, but unfortunately have not done much for my dark pigment, which obnoxiously reoccurs every few weeks despite these pricey facials.

Towards the end of September, I visited my friend, Lillian in San Diego. I hadn’t seen her for a few years, and was a bit hesitant to meet with her, given how embarrassed I’ve felt about my dark pigment. Lillian has always had porcelain, “glass-skin”, as the kids today describe. 

I mean, look at her. 

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And besides a good microblade artist, Lillian never has to wear makeup, because her skin is flawless!

After checking in, I decided to do some digging. What million-dollar facials and luxury skincare products must she be using? Whatever it took, I was ready to go on with it. After a (very healthy) meal, I decided to take the plunge. 

“So Lillian, you have to tell me, how has your skin remained so beautiful throughout the years? You’re even older than I am, and this all seems a bit unfair.”

She chuckled, of course. 

“My skin HASN’T always been great. I’ve been on a consistent routine for 2 years now, and I’m extremely happy, I have to say”

Lillian mentioned that she uses a brand called b.glen. She explained the brand A-Z, and how they even have Trial Sets with sample-sized products. Lillian used the Brightening Care Set when she first started, and swore up and down that was her skin’s holy grail.

I went home later that night and did my research immediately. To my (and my wallet’s) pleasant surprise, the Brightening Care Trial Set retailed for $20, and I knew that I had nothing to lose. To be honest, I had low hopes, considering my several-hundred-dollar monthly facials couldn’t do anything about these spots either. 

As soon as my package arrived, I anxiously tore it right open in excitement. This Brightening Care Trial Set contains a 7-Day supply of b.glen’s 

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-Clay Wash
-QuSome Lotion
-C Serum
-QuSome PowerBright
-QuSome Moisture Rich Cream

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “What in the world is a QuSome?!” Confusing, huh? b.glen describes QuSomes as micro-sized, encapsulated spheres that help draw the ingredients in your skincare deep into the skin, immediately upon application. It’s their patented recipe, which was interesting to me. They mentioned that most skincare products really only sit on the surface of the skin, and end up not being effective as one had wished.

The first night, I noticed that the Clay Wash had a non-foaming, silky texture. And although zits were no longer an issue for me, it really felt like I was showing my skin the ultimate amount of TLC.

Now get this: C Serum is made with 100% pure Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C). It’s completely clear, as it is stabilized in the QuSomes, and even imparts a slight warming sensation when applied to the skin. 

Over the course of 7 days, I noticed my skin felt brighter overall, and the pigment on my skin went from a muddy brown to a medium-sand color. Progress! Today, I am currently using b.glen’s full-sized Brightening Care Set, and in 11 weeks, I’ve experienced a complete 180 with my skin. The dark pigment has nearly faded completely, my skin glows brighter than it did when I was in my twenties, and I haven’t felt any desire to apply makeup in a month. This is my skin as of yesterday:

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I give it to b.glen for their QuSome technology, and careful product formulation for these incredible results. Well, I credit Lillian a little bit too for the brand introduction. To anyone facing confidence issues surrounding their dark pigment, I HIGHLY recommend b.glen as both a brand and an innovator in science-backed skincare.

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